We are delighted to announce that after many years distinguished service to the choir, both as a chorister and enigmatic Chairman, Mr. Brian Williams has accepted the unanimous nomination of the choir as Hon. President.
Brian has expressed his keen desire to continue singing and his invaluable contribution to the Bass section and the choir as a whole has been sorely missed recently. Brian is held in huge esteem and respect by members and friends of the choir alike, and we are certain that in the role of Hon. President he will continue to support the choir with the enthusiasm and humour he is known for.
Mr. Brian Williams
Dr. Owain Arwel Hughes
Mr Richard Rosser
Mr Rhys Meirion
Ms. Vikki Howells
Mr Nick Servini
Mr Roy Noble O.B.E
Mrs Marilyn Bratman
Mr Geoff Davies
Mr Brian Davies
Dr. Ed Griffiths
Mr Anthony Williams M.B.E JP, D.L
Ms Rona Price M.B.E DSt J. QPM D.L
Mr Ieuan Rhys